
As Larry David would say, “Pre-tty pre-tty good.”  You know you get the whole social media thing and your Twittering, LinkingIN, YouTubing and Facebooking your little heart out, but no new clients in sight.  You’re posting away with links to your blog articles, recent client testimonials, cool pictures of new business equipment, but something’s not right.

For all the time you invest in social media, you’re not seeing many people follow you back and you’re not really seeing how social media gets you new clients. [note]Maybe you’re guilty of being a one way social media street and not being very…well…social.  Social media isn’t just about thrilling and chilling everyone with your in depth knowledge of small business statistics for your industry.  It’s about engaging people in your industry and making it interesting for them to hear what you have to say.[/note]

Take a look at the most successful social media icons (insert your own suggestions here) – the people with hords of followers.  Not necessarily celebrity status or from mondo global companies either.  Study what they’re doing and saying, especially the ones aimed at your own target market.  To start, they’re asking questions, VERY short questions.  They offer helpful and valuable links back to their own websites or the sites of others.  We rarely follow these links and say, ugh – what a waste of time.  That’s why we follow them.  They have relevant things to say we want to hear.

Maybe it’s the light hearted voice and tone of the sentence urging me to click.  Maybe it was just the ambiguous few words that made me want to click out of curiousity.  But these social media gurus get how to get our attention and keep it.  So go be the life of your own online party and be the social butterfly of the internet.  Stop being ‘guilty’ of anti-social behavior and start climbing your own ladder of success.